Thursday 10 May 2007

Haven't we met before?

So, here we are again. A new journey, a new start, a new adventure. What better way to kick it off than getting it all down in a nice shiny new blog-type journal?

Truth be told, I've been meaning to start this for a while now. So much in recent months has happened, lots of things have needed to take precidence. The fact that my arrival was once again completly uplanned was a significant factor, I think. Seriously, is it really too much to ask to magically turn up in some other part of the world/universe when I actually want to, and when I'm suitably prepared and ready for it? The first couple of times I was willing to chalk up to ordinary tempting of the fate, but now it's bordering on the unbelievable. I'm really starting to think that the Maker sees my existance in his great scheme of things as one long Robert Rankin-esque running joke.

Woosh, two paragraphs in and I've already deteriorated into a rambling monologue. Clearly I'm in the wrong frame of mind to really dive into this right now. Maybe a stroll through the city will allow me to get my thoughts together more coherantly...

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